Take a mangrove tour Sepang and learn about the importance of Mangroves

Join a mangrove tour Sepang for a new connection with nature
Our mangroves today are under more threat than ever before. Coastal erosion, deforestation for rice and palm oil plantations and aquaculture for cultivation of fish and shrimps have led to an annual rate of decline of 1% (1,280 hectares). However, they are vital for wildlife and protect us from many effects of climate change, storm surges, tidal waves and soil erosion. Why not join us on a mangrove tour Sepang and find out more?

Our protection – reducing the power of storm surges
Mangroves by their very nature in the tangled web of roots and trees slow the progression of water through them. As the waves from a storm surge towards the land, their wave height and strength build from the wind. As they come into contact with the mangroves the wave’s energy is absorbed and reduced depending on the depth of the mangrove forest. There is also a significant reduction in wind strength with a deep mangrove. The reduction in wave and wind strength will reduce the impact on buildings and infrastructure of low-lying lands.
Wildlife refuge and future income
Mangroves have huge biodiversity with 100s of species dependent on them for survival. They are nurseries for many fish and shrimps, which our fishing industry and many people are dependent upon. Not only that many fish in the sea start their life in mangrove forests. The mangroves offer protection from predators as well as a food supply for many young.

Climate Change and Carbon Reduction
Our planet is warming due to our impact and our current lifestyles. Carbon dioxide plays a major role in this and mangroves can absorb carbon dioxide. Carbon once absorbed from the atmosphere is stored in their roots, and leaves and can even be secreted into the soil around them.
Mangroves can create new jobs through Ecotourism. There are plenty of jobs to be created in this industry. From teams protecting and re-growing forests, drivers to help take tourists to the mangroves and tour guides to take people around. For example, many turtle conservation projects also have learning centres and educators providing jobs, learning and enjoyment to children.

Book your own experience
Here at outdoorgate, we offer kayak tours through the Mangroves of Sepang. We are only 1 hour from Kuala Lumpur. We have both morning and sunset tours of 3 hours including a full brief, kayak and personal flotation device jacket. If you fancy you can also stay overnight and enjoy more of what the Sepang area has to offer. Click here to book your tour now.
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